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Families are made up of individuals, created in the image of God, living in relationship with each other, and they come in many different shapes and sizes. Every family has a different culture, every home has a different atmosphere, every family embraces different values, morals and routines, and all have different ways of doing things.

God is a relational God and he Himself is a divine family. The Trinity - Father, Son and Holy Spirit, all relating to one another in love, in giving, in honour, in delight, in friendship, in dynamic total and full relationship.

God created us with the capacity to enter into the divine family! He gave us the capacity to experience the amazing, perfect, magnificent, intimacy of the Triune God! This is what the human heart longs for.

When we became Christians God’s first job was to put us in a family of believers, with him as our Father. He delights to put the lonely in families.

Family is central to God’s heart and purpose for the nations and he created marriage before any other social institution. Marriage came before children, marriage came before community, society, church and government. It is the crux of God’s thinking in terms of relationship.

The entire salvation story in the Bible from beginning to end, is depicted in marriage and family symbolism. The Bible begins and ends with marriage!

On these pages we will be sharing God’s truths for dynamic, successful relationships and family life, covering such areas as marriage, parenting, conflict resolution, communication, and prayer, to name a few.

Michael & Alison Goode head up this ministry at Lighthouse. They have had many years experience in marriage and parenting education, and they have a real heart to see couples know their identity in Christ and walk in their God given destiny. They have experienced God’s hand of healing in their own marriage and family, and they can truly testify that God loves to heal and restore families and bring them into the fulfillment of His call and purpose.

Contact details: M: 0410 609 800, E: