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Five Simple Facts that You Should Know About God

1) Creator

He is the Creator of Heaven and Earth and all that is in them. He created humankind for a purpose (as with everything) and our great adventure in life is to find that purpose and live our lives to the full. His purpose for us was to know Him as our Father and friend and follow His ways and achieve His will (Is. 40:28).

2) Sin

Unfortunately, humankind is suffering from a terminal disease – called ‘sin’ – inherited initially by our first parents (Adam and Eve) – and passed on to every human being that is born into this sin-cursed world. Original and continuing sin is the No.1 problem in the world. It is responsible for all selfishness, greed, inferiority, dishonesty, injustice, deceitfulness, immorality, sickness, and personal unrest, etc. which in turn is responsible for every problem that has ever been experienced throughout history in the world. Not only so, but even worse, we have been separated from God and lost our privilege of discovering God’s purpose for our lives. We have all fallen short of God’s glory (Rom. 3:23).

3) Jesus

Jesus is God’s answer to our sin problem. Nothing could solve the problem except the coming of Jesus, God’s Son (John 3:16). Up until the time of Jesus (and even since for some), man’s perpetual quest was to invent religions, philosophies, and ideas that would solve this problem and give humankind an answer to life’s biggest questions and solve our biggest problems, but alas – all have failed. Mankind continues this quest but every effort fails to bring peace and rest to the human heart, restore a sense of real purpose to one’s life, and reconciles our orphan hearts back to a loving Father God. Jesus did not inherit the sin-cursed bloodline of Adam that contaminates us all, but was miraculously conceived (the Immaculate Conception) by the Holy Spirit (Matt. 20:20-23), and therefore his life by-passed the contaminated seed in us. Together with the continued anointing of the Holy Spirit upon Him, He not only lived a miraculous life, but ministered His Kingdom life and purpose to the world around Him bringing healing and deliverance to sick and broken people, and also preached the Good News of the incoming Kingdom of God. Therefore when Jesus was sacrificially offered on the Cross of Calvary, His blood was spotless and efficacious in purchasing for us, full redemption and salvation.

4) Change

This salvation neutralises the sin nature in the human heart. We therefore become a ‘new creation’ (2 Cor. 5:17) – a new breed in the earth. We are ‘born again’ (1 Peter 1:23) and a new way of living emerges. Though we still retain the sin-nature, we can now choose to live out of the new nature and discover our God-given purpose and destiny. This brings a massive and incomparable change (for good) in our lives. This has been born out throughout history by those who have demonstrated the salvation of Jesus in their lives. You will find that many, if not most, of the great humanitarian societies, hospitals and schools were founded by Christians and have had a major valuable effect upon the world (Matt. 5:14-16).

5) Judgement

Finally, you need to know – whether or not you follow Christ or not – that we all have to face the Judgement of God and answer for the deeds we have done in our earthly life (2 Cor.5: 10; Heb. 9:27). This is unavoidable, and without God’s salvation in Christ, we have no chance of eternal life and heaven with God. There is only one way = Jesus! (Acts 4:12). Living life on earth in the light of Judgement to come moderates our attitudes and behaviour and causes us to live for eternity – the highest of all motivations.



Having read the fore-mentioned Five Simple Facts, we are left with no alternative, but to consider the challenge set before us – to accept Jesus Christ as the Lord and Saviour or reject Him as a liar or lunatic. The fact that you are reading this today, means that God is leading you to Himself. Follow through now with these 3 simple ABC steps:

  1. Accept Jesus into your heart as God’s answer to your sin problem
  2. Believe in your heart that the risen Christ has cleansed you and dwells in you
  3. Confess your sins, inadequacies, and needs to Him

This is the beginning of your new life (eternal) in God.


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